04 October, 2008

Celiac??? What dat?

So sorry for the 3 day disappearing act, but us bloggers have lives too.

The first topic was supposed to be about Celiac . This I didn't even know what the heck it was- until research, *YaY!*

This is something you are born with- and get this- 1 in every 133 have it but only 3% are actually Dx *Dx= diagnosed*. It causes a LOT of pain, abdominal problems, gas, malnutrition, night blindness, memory and behavioral problems, etc. It is in you and can start at any time, any age, through emotional or physical triggering of the gene.

It is genetic- and affects those little things in your small intestine called "Villi" that suck the nutrition, minerals, etc. from your intestine as the food passes through. Certain kinds of protein, found in gluten which is in the good stuff- wheat, barley, rye, oats. That infiltrates a lot of our food- especially in these developing countries. So basically you can eat as much as you want and still starve inside- and outside look like it- because the food just passes right on through your body.

The only thing that helps these people live a normal life is a diet completely free of gluten- really lable for the different offendinf protiens in different oats and such. Imagine having to do that. No more wheat, affects your breads, some types of alcohol are made from grains, and "gluten". Deserts have them, some chesses have them, crackers, could you imagine being on such a restrictive diet for life? Almost like diabetics.

If some of the above symptoms sound like you- go to the link- or go anyway! Learn something about this common, lifelong but easily treated syndrome.

Peace out,


30 September, 2008

The Inner Workings

Ok kids, so apparently there has to be some planning for this, because forbid there be anything without a plan.
So here's the "Grand Plan".
The last day of every month'll come a post about the next month's awareness days, months, etc. Then- hopefully- once a day'll be posted a blog about one of the happenings. On awareness days that'll be the highlight of the day. Other extra days'll all be random having something to do with a topic of the month.
Good. I'll not have to repeat.

October's flavors are the following:

National Bandanna Day - Australia
SIDS Awareness Month - Canada
Autism Awareness Month - Canada
Eye Health Month - Canada
Breast Cancer Awareness Month - Canada
Breast Cancer Awareness Month - UK
National Liver Awareness Month - US
Celiac Awareness Month - US
Healthy Lung Month - US
National Orthodontic Month
National Down's Syndrome Awareness Month - US
National Spina Bifida Awareness Month - US
Lupus Awareness Month - Worldwide
Rett Syndrome Awareness Month - Worldwide


4th-12th Back Care Awareness Week - UK
5th-11th Mental Awareness Week - US
9th-15th Baby Loss Awareness Week - UK
12th-18th Haemophilia Awareness Week - Australia


10th World Mental Health Day - Worldwide
11th National Depression Screening Day - US
13th Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day - US
16th World Food Day - Worldwide
20th International Osteoporosis Day - Worldwide
22nd International Stuttering Awareness Day - Worldwide
31st National Bug Busting Day - UK

All righty! We're all clear, and we'll try and post once a day. Just in case anyone reads *this*. Along with our very informed opinions *that become somewhat pointed at times*. Now I think they're trying to hammer a point here, with the Breast Cancer and Mental Illness days doubled. So guess what?! This month the leftover days are going to probably never heard or understood of mental illnesses. And when it's put up, TAKE the darn depression quiz. Too many prejudices out there on mental illnesses.

That'll be all... enjoy your life.


28 September, 2008


The last week of this month is Deaf Awareness... because of friends this is a BIG one for me. It is a time for those deaf, HoH (Hard of Hearing), and deaf friendly to look back at the years of those who are deaf and HoH being pushed to the side, especially the Deaf (with a big D) who are not only medically deaf, but culturally deaf as well.

YES! There is a culture to go with what most people regard pityingly as merely hearing loss. A culture of shared experiences that include being excluded for most of their life from even their own families, parents, siblings, etc. There are languages that go with this. Here in the US it is called ASL (American Sign Language)... and it is NOT just English pantomime, or badly crafted English grammar. It is a living language, and it has the distinction of falling into a group of truly 3-D languages, including all the other sign languages out there. Imagine all the spoken languages in the world. Now double that. That is how I would describe all of the signed languages out there.

Gear up! mid April thru mid May is Deaf Celebration Month... and there will be many more of these scintillating facts.

Some linkage:

National Association of the Deaf (NAD)
Gallaudet University
1988 Civil Rights for Deaf, Deaf President Now (DPN) History

Be safe and informed,

27 September, 2008

Archived Announcements...

Some very important days came right before I set up this blog... here is a list.

Month of September Awareness (the top 3 are in the UK, the rest in the US, and the last is worldwide):

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

Arthritis Awareness Month

Muscular Dystrophy Month

National Sickle Cell Month

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

National Cholesterol Education Month

Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month

Reye's Syndrome Awareness Week

Children's Eye Health and Safety Month

National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month

Leukemia and Lymphoma Awareness Month

Here are some specific awareness days and weeks:

National Asthma Week Australia (1-7th)
National Stroke Week Australia (15-21st)
Migraine Awareness Week UK (7-13th)
National Eczema Week UK (15-21st)
Suicide Prevention Week US (2-8th)


Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) Awareness Day (9th)
Suicide Awareness Day (10th)
Lymphoma Awareness Day (15th)
World Alzheimer's Day (21st)
Ataxia Awareness Day (25th)
World Heart Day (28th)

The big ones on here for us are (though these are all important) suicide prevention and FAS. Both are very preventable, although suicide may seem like the last resort, the need for it can be prevented. If YOU are suicidal, even passively suicidal (dreaming of killing yourself without a solid plan) GET HELP. Talk to a friend, call a hot line, go to a SAFE place. Sometimes the "normal" places to go, like parents, school counselors, or even therapists are not safe in your eyes, and if a person does not seem "safe" to you, look for someone else.

Here are a couple of links for if you are suicidal,

or if you are emotionally distressed and want to talk,
here are phone numbers.

If you know someone you think is suicidal, suddenly happy after a depression with no reason, giving everything away, making plans for "leaving" or in case of death, or MENTIONS it, even jokingly, TAKE IT SERIOUSLY! Ask them directly, do not beat around the bush. Talk to them about their feelings, and who they would feel safe talking to (and teens do not try to keep it to yourselves, get an adult- even though they seem like the enemy).
FAS can be prevented easily... do not drink when pregnant, PERIOD. Or smoke, or do any type of drugs prescription or not. Everything you take into your body is AMPLIFIED and passed through your blood into your baby's blood. They are BORN behind the game, and have to deal with a lot of crap.

Sorry for the double posts today, but serious information.

A and K.

ORGANIC??? HIPPIES??? Not so...

Organic foods are not just hippie or new age fads, they are much better for you, your body and especially for those with more of a tendency to get sick, including the older ones among us and the very young. Most times it costs more than normal foods, like all other health things, health care, vitamins, medicines, ect. However there is a way to buy organic foods at a cheaper price than the local Wal-mart or food store. How? The farmers market. I went and bought a watermelon for $3, a basket full of assorted peppers for $1, and squash and cucumbers for $2.

It is Farmer's Market month in September.

And personally I think they taste amazing they have a much more robust flavor than normal fruits and vegtables. And they do not have the hormones, fertalizer (we all know what is in that), antibiotics, and other chemicals that normal meats, cheeses, vegtables, fruits, and eggs normally have.

And did you know that the hormones and antibiotics that are fed to animals stay in fatty tissue and meat after they are killed? So everytime you eat "mainstream" meats you are taking prescription medication. Remember that antibiotic resistant strains of diseases? There are many causes, but do we really want to add to the problem? So assuming you eat meat- which is totally fine in my book- go for the hormone/antibiotic/chemical free meats. They are labled FREE RANGE meats.

Eat well, cherish your body, and be healthy.

Siging off, K