30 September, 2008

The Inner Workings

Ok kids, so apparently there has to be some planning for this, because forbid there be anything without a plan.
So here's the "Grand Plan".
The last day of every month'll come a post about the next month's awareness days, months, etc. Then- hopefully- once a day'll be posted a blog about one of the happenings. On awareness days that'll be the highlight of the day. Other extra days'll all be random having something to do with a topic of the month.
Good. I'll not have to repeat.

October's flavors are the following:

National Bandanna Day - Australia
SIDS Awareness Month - Canada
Autism Awareness Month - Canada
Eye Health Month - Canada
Breast Cancer Awareness Month - Canada
Breast Cancer Awareness Month - UK
National Liver Awareness Month - US
Celiac Awareness Month - US
Healthy Lung Month - US
National Orthodontic Month
National Down's Syndrome Awareness Month - US
National Spina Bifida Awareness Month - US
Lupus Awareness Month - Worldwide
Rett Syndrome Awareness Month - Worldwide


4th-12th Back Care Awareness Week - UK
5th-11th Mental Awareness Week - US
9th-15th Baby Loss Awareness Week - UK
12th-18th Haemophilia Awareness Week - Australia


10th World Mental Health Day - Worldwide
11th National Depression Screening Day - US
13th Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day - US
16th World Food Day - Worldwide
20th International Osteoporosis Day - Worldwide
22nd International Stuttering Awareness Day - Worldwide
31st National Bug Busting Day - UK

All righty! We're all clear, and we'll try and post once a day. Just in case anyone reads *this*. Along with our very informed opinions *that become somewhat pointed at times*. Now I think they're trying to hammer a point here, with the Breast Cancer and Mental Illness days doubled. So guess what?! This month the leftover days are going to probably never heard or understood of mental illnesses. And when it's put up, TAKE the darn depression quiz. Too many prejudices out there on mental illnesses.

That'll be all... enjoy your life.