27 September, 2008

ORGANIC??? HIPPIES??? Not so...

Organic foods are not just hippie or new age fads, they are much better for you, your body and especially for those with more of a tendency to get sick, including the older ones among us and the very young. Most times it costs more than normal foods, like all other health things, health care, vitamins, medicines, ect. However there is a way to buy organic foods at a cheaper price than the local Wal-mart or food store. How? The farmers market. I went and bought a watermelon for $3, a basket full of assorted peppers for $1, and squash and cucumbers for $2.

It is Farmer's Market month in September.

And personally I think they taste amazing they have a much more robust flavor than normal fruits and vegtables. And they do not have the hormones, fertalizer (we all know what is in that), antibiotics, and other chemicals that normal meats, cheeses, vegtables, fruits, and eggs normally have.

And did you know that the hormones and antibiotics that are fed to animals stay in fatty tissue and meat after they are killed? So everytime you eat "mainstream" meats you are taking prescription medication. Remember that antibiotic resistant strains of diseases? There are many causes, but do we really want to add to the problem? So assuming you eat meat- which is totally fine in my book- go for the hormone/antibiotic/chemical free meats. They are labled FREE RANGE meats.

Eat well, cherish your body, and be healthy.

Siging off, K